Friday 9 March 2012

Bambino mini update!!


Yesterday was fantastic!!
We went to the hospital to have another ultra sound scan as the midwife thought the baby may be a little small. We went in and as my husbands father works at the hospital we invited him along too to watch the scan. As he works there we ware lucky to know some of the people who are dealing with us during the pregnancy which has made it extra special. Andy, the sonographer, confirmed that she is average size and her development is perfect, we got to see all of her arms, legs, feet, ribs, heart - you name it...and then came my fave bit...her face.
SHE IS SOOOOOOO BEAUTIFUL (and extremely wiggly)!! It was like a kinda 3D look, we saw her opening and closing her mouth and sucking her fingers in real was so breath taking. 

I just really wanted to share that with you.
