Tuesday 17 January 2012

starting my spring...sort out early


Sorry I have not written for a couple of days. I have been a bit snowed under by one thing and another.

I have been really inspired recently by a few things and have been trying to implement them into my life and thought i would share them with you.

The first was inspired mainly by the bump and a forth coming home improvement.
At the moment Simon and I are using the smaller of the two bedrooms to sleep in and the bigger as a guest room/ art studio thing. This was mainly because the sofa bed we have is...massive- folded up and down and I we have a desk and a few chest of drawers.
 It stared with Simon wanting rid of the 2 old chest of drawers, and a close friend of mine needing some, and then as I lay in bed the other night in the small room Si and I worked out that the spare room could fit into the smaller room nicely and then we could have the bigger room which will be fab when baby is here.
At the moment the two rooms are a lilac wall with light blue door frame and skirting....I'm not a fan and the rest of the house is neutral therefore sometime in the next couple of months the painting will commence (the home improvement).
The bump inspired me in a more...literal way....as in my clothes are starting to get a bit...small. And I was thinking new year...newish (simple/capsule) style.
So I had a bit of a clear out!! All summer, autumn, winter and spring wardrobes were brought together...and reworked. So committedly so that I should not have to buy anything new for the year (inless something brakes) and that includes pregnancy and after. And I have been able to donate more clothes to charity and to sell than I am keeping!! (maybe that says more about how extensive my clothing collection was!!)

The other inspiration came from an old school friend on Facebook and then checking my bank account....
 I was on Facebook in the morning checking the news feed to start the day and came across a fab post by a friend. It was about Frugal Living. For those who don't know, its about living in a more cost effective, not wasteful, more fiscal self-restraint, efficient way....(please correct me if you feel I'm wrong- its only a quick description tho).  And after checking my bank account, this seems to just be the only answer and plus I think I will enjoy the challenge.
Coupled with my recent clear out, I aim to clear out more stuff (with the aiming of making some money)...clothes, books, films, Cd's, phones.....STUFF.

But on starting with even just the clothes, I'm starting to feel alot more...clearer. lighter and in a way (although not financially yet) alot more better off! It seems I am really benefiting from my space being clear to aid the clearing of my head...

I have only just started the new challenges and will keep you up to date with my progress. I will also get some picture on of the progress too. an

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